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Living in the Midwest, we know just how brutal the winter season can be.  With snow on the ground and freezing temperatures, it limits many of our activities to being indoors.  Unfortunately, according to many alcohol rehab facilities in Kansas City, winter weather can cause increased alcohol consumption for many people. 

This article will explain why many people tend increase drinking alcohol when the temperatures decrease. 


Our attitude and mood is typically influenced by our surroundings.  On days the weather is sunny and warm, our mood tends to be more cheerful.  So, when it’s colder and darker outside, our mood tends to trend in a negative direction.  According to many facilities specializing in alcohol treatment in Kansas City, people with a dark outlook on life are more likely to turn towards alcoholism to try to numb or hide their negative thoughts temporarily. 

alcohol addiction help in Kansas City

Physical Effects 

Another temporary effect of alcohol consumption is that it is a vasodilator, which means it increases blood flow, and can increase warmth through the nerve endings.  This is likely one of the reasons that alcohol consumption is higher in colder climates.  Anyone who regularly turns to alcohol abuse simply to provide themselves warmth is likely to need alcohol addiction help in Kansas City. 

Increase Risk of Injury or Illness 

Excessive alcohol use can cause impaired judgment, and as all alcohol rehab facilities in Kansas City know, impaired judgment can lead to accidents and injuries.  With treacherous conditions, like snow and ice being on the roads and sidewalks, alcohol abuse becomes even more dangerous.   

Also, those who are outside frequently and are drinking excessive amounts of alcoholmay feel some sense of warmth but are still at risk for frostbite, hypothermia, or flu-like symptoms, due to not being prepared for the bitter cold.   

alcohol addiction help in Kansas City


During the colder months of November, December, January, and February, there are holidays that typically involve alcohol, including Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day, and Valentine’s Day.   As a leading drug and alcohol inpatient treatment center in KansaCItyGold Bridge recognizes that the temptation is always there on these days and recommends drinking in moderation or not at all. 

Contact Gold Bridge Treatment Center 

If you or a loved one are searching for alcohol addiction help in Kansas CityGold Bridge Treatment Center can assist you.  Our family-like atmosphere and individual treatment plans can help you battle your alcohol addiction and provide you top-notch alcohol treatment in Kansas City.  Give us a call at (913) 837-GOLD to get started today. 

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