Call Now, We Can Help: 913-837-4653



At Gold Bridge, our commitment to your sobriety does not end once you’ve completed your drug or alcohol addiction treatment in Kansas. In fact, you and your counselor will begin to work on your discharge plan from day one, with your clinical assessment and treatment plan creation.

We individualize your treatment plan and we will individualize our discharge and ongoing recovery plan. Your treatment team will research all possible support services in your home area and connect you with resources that will give you the best chance of long-term success.

Some of these resources include:

  • Intensive outpatient counseling
  • Referral to private therapists for ongoing mental health
  • Connection to local support groups (AA/NA, Life Rings, Smart Recovery, Good Days Ahead, etc.)
  • Sober Living Environments
  • Other supportive resources in your community

In essence, once you have completed our program, we consider you part of our family/alumni and will keep in touch and offer any assistance possible to aid in your continued sobriety and happiness.

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