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Drug Treatment in Kansas: How Mindfulness Can Help—The fundamental concept of mindfulness for  drug treatment in Kansas is the straightforward yet profound idea of being totally present in the moment, free from worries about the past or the future. It invites people to shift their attention to the here and now, accepting each moment as it comes. It takes deliberate effort to let go of distractions and fully engage in the present moment, so practicing mindfulness is not always simple.

Mindfulness is a word that’s growing in popularity in mainstream culture, and there are many reasons why. It has tremendous health and mental health benefits to everyone who tries it, especially for those seeking addiction help in Kansasdrug treatment in Kansas

Mindfulness fits in well with the “one day at a time” approach that is frequently stressed in drug treatment in Kansas in order to promote long-term sobriety. Through the adoption of the mindfulness principles of living in the present moment, people can develop the mentality required for addiction help in Kansas, recovery, and the resilience required to face life’s obstacles without resorting to substance abuse.drug treatment in Kansas

The main focus at Gold Bridge Treatment Center when using mindfulness is to be in the moment, not worried about earlier or later but really being present in what’s happening now. This seems like an easy concept, but it is quite the opposite. Many people who try it realize how much focus they are putting outside of the moment they are in.

The potential of mindfulness to take people on a life-changing journey of self-discovery while getting addiction help in Kansas. This development is what gives it its power. People who practice mindfulness can become more self-aware, learn how to control their emotions, and create healthier coping strategies. It functions as a potent tool that enables people to take back control of their lives and make deliberate decisions that promote their general well-being.

Mindfulness goes great when getting drug treatment in Kansas. Mainly, because it’s a similar concept to the “one day at a time” focus that drug treatment centers in Kansas use to help their patients stay sober. One day at a time, one moment at a time, and staying present are essential to staying sober long term. Mindfulness is a technique that can help you get there.

drug treatment in Kansas

Mindfulness can:

  • Improve the health of your body by cutting down on heart disease, lowering blood pressure, and helping people cope with mental health issues. When you can keep your mental health in peak shape, then the result is your physical body will often follow suit.

  • Mindfulness for  drug treatment in Kansas helps individuals deal with day-to-day stressors that generally could cause a person to relapse. Having a technique to practice in times of stress can be enough to get you back to being grounded and on track in your recovery.

  • You can form better connections with those around you. When you are able to take time to be mindful and present yourself, you are able to do this in the presence of others. You would be surprised at how often people are with their friends and family and truly not listening to or being with them. You will find as you practice mindfulness that people around you will notice your ability to connect on a much deeper level than previously.

drug treatment in Kansas

Twenty minutes to an hour out of your day is all it takes to practice mindfulness, and as you can see, the many benefits are well worth the effort. So many of us spend way more than that scrolling through social media or watching TV.

drug treatment in Kansas

What are some steps to mindfulness you can start with right now while getting addiction help in Kansas?

Spend some time sitting quietly and paying attention to your breathing. Don’t let your mind wander to anything other than the here and now. Simply pay attention and be aware of your breathing.

Observe the feelings that surround you. Is the floor you are sitting on soft or hard? Is there a cooking smell? Observe the scents surrounding you. Just pay attention to the sounds coming from outside your window, including any children that might be playing.

The difficulty of being present in the moment will surprise you. It’s harder than you might think to focus solely on what’s happening without getting sidetracked by other aspects of your life.

Find a mindfulness instructor from a counselor at any drug rehab facilities in Kansas that are near you.

drug treatment in Kansas

What Makes Gold Bridge Unique?

In contrast to other Kansas City drug treatment centers, our approach to treatment is distinct. To create individualized plans for them to work on while in treatment, we pair patients with counselors. The therapies and self-examination techniques that we employ at Gold Bridge Treatment Center are diverse.

drug treatment in Kansas

We employ a variety of styles, such as:

  • Acceptance and Commitment: You will learn to observe your thoughts and feelings without becoming sucked into them at our rehab facilities in Kansas in acceptance and commitment therapy. Thus, you will be able to manage challenging emotions and make wise choices.
  • Narrative therapy: Using narrative therapy as a therapeutic approach, you can pinpoint the prevailing narratives in your life that have been preventing you from moving forward. Then, you can realize the uplifting, empowering tales that have always been a part of your life.
  • Mindfullness: When you are able to take time to be mindful and present with yourself, you are able to do this in the presence of others.
  • Shame Resilience: Our drug and alcohol addiction treatment center in Kansas teaches about and awareness of shame and its role in contributing to addictive behavior through this type of therapy.



Find Yourself.

Here at Gold Bridge, our rehab facilities in Kansas know firsthand how difficult it is to beat addiction and how much work and commitment it takes. Our alcohol rehab facilities in Kansas offer comprehensive treatments to empower patients. From inpatient to outpatient, our drug and alcohol inpatient treatment center in Kansas has got you covered. Our drug and alcohol addiction treatment center in Kansas has a dedicated staff that will be your partner from day one, creating a custom strategy to crush your goals.


drug treatment in Kansas

Need assistance on your recovery journey? Don’t sweat it! Reach out to us at 913-837-4653 or contact us online. We’re here to help, no matter what!

Conveniently situated close to Kansas City, Gold Bridge is premier addiction treatment facility in Kansas. Our residential drug treatment centers offer a peaceful setting where patients can concentrate on their recovery journey in a small-capacity facility.

We are one of the most comprehensive locations for alcohol addiction help in Kansas or drug addiction help in Kansas, and we focus on evidence-based practices adapted to the specific goals and needs of each patient. Yoga and meditation groups round out our holistic offerings, which also include individual and group therapy.

Those in need of assistance with substance abuse treatment in Kansas can count on the expertise of our trained professionals.

Let us lead you to a more promising and healthy future. Contact us today.





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