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If you are thinking about entering a drug and alcohol inpatient treatment center in Kansas, you aren’t alone. Millions of people around the US see the need in their lives to reach out for help. Especially after the increased rates of substance use following the recent pandemic.

Sometimes the biggest thing keeping people from reaching out for help is the unknown. This article will explain some of the biggest things you will experience at a drug and alcohol addiction treatment center in Kansas. It’s important to remember that not all drug treatment in Kansas is exactly the same, but most of them generally have a few of the same requirements.

Multiple Forms of Therapy

When most people think about therapy, they think about sitting across from a counselor talking. This is only one form of the many kinds of therapies offered. It is incredibly valuable and will be utilized, but there are many other effective forms of therapy.

CBT This behavioral model helps you learn some new behaviors to replace some of the old ones that don’t serve you anymore, once you start getting alcohol or drug addiction help in Kansas.

Family Therapy People find this to be a necessity because often unhealthy family patterns need to be changed for the person struggling with addiction to have a safe and healthy home. It’s also a great way for the extended family to heal and learn more about holding boundaries and creating new healthy patterns.

Meditation and Grounding Work This is a way for individuals to tap into what’s happening inside of themselves to better handle stressful situations or decrease the feeling of anxiety and depression.

Art – This is a great way to practice self-reflection and allows individuals to express emotions without using words while getting addiction help in Kansas.

Exercise Therapy – Using exercise to release emotions and increase your body’s feel-good chemicals through physical exercise is one of the many benefits to exercise therapy and a wonderful addition to any traditional therapy.

This list is not exclusive, and there are many other therapies available to integrate into your program. Make sure and speak to your therapist about what your interests are.

Drug and Alcohol Inpatient Treatment Center in Kansas


These 12 steps are a set of principles that help people recover from their addiction struggles with the help of manageable steps. Breaking these down often helps people stay on a disciplined routine of self-reflection and action. which helps them sustain long-term recovery.

Healthy Food Options

Often when someone is in active addiction, their health suffers. Little attention is spent creating a healthy routine and taking care of the body. Healthy food options are available to help heal the body and the mind.

Free Time

Free time is limited to stay on track with the program. However, there is time to enjoy some of the activities that you previously enjoyed and learn some new ones. This is a great time to be able to meet some new friends that may become lifelong friends on a journey toward sobriety.

Drug and Alcohol Inpatient Treatment Center in Kansas

At Gold Bridge Treatment Center, we are a top facility for drug treatment in Kansas. Our staff provides addiction help in Kansas to individuals needing aid in taking that next step in their journey toward sobriety. We understand the complexity of substance abuse and addictive behaviors. We have created a multifaceted and individualized approach for our patients to achieve sustained recovery.

Call us at (913) 675-2898 or visit our website to fill out a contact form today!

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