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Drug treatment centers in Kansas City understand how scary relapsing can be when you’re on your sobriety journey. However, it’s important to remember that recovery isn’t linear, and that relapsing is a normal part of the journey. Just because you’ve relapsed doesn’t mean that you’ve failed at your sobriety; it just means that you have to make an effort to get back onto the right track.

At Gold Bridge Treatment Center, we are proud to be one of the most respected drug and alcohol rehab facilities in Kansas City. We take the time to ensure that our patients are cared for and that they have a recovery plan that works best for them. We understand the complexity of substance abuse and addictive behaviors, which is why our addiction treatment center believes in a multifaceted, individual approach for each of our patients.

As a leading drug and alcohol rehab in Kansas City, we understand that relapsing during recovery can leave you feeling helpless, and you might lose motivation to stay sober. However, it’s important that you never give up and work to get your sobriety back on track. That’s why our team of addiction recovery experts has compiled a list of 7 things to do if you believe you’ve relapsed.

Drug Treatment Centers in Kansas City

Don’t Beat Yourself Up

According to drug treatment centers in Kansas City, if you’ve had a slip-up or a full-blown relapse, it’s important not to be too hard on yourself. This is a difficult process, and setbacks are common. Just because you’ve had a lapse in your sobriety doesn’t mean that you’re a bad person or that you can never recover.


Analyze What Went Wrong

According to alcohol and drug addiction treatment centers in Kansas City, once you’ve taken some time to calm down, it can be helpful to analyze what went wrong and what may have led to your relapse. Did you have any warning signs? Were there any triggers that you didn’t recognize or know how to deal with? Once you identify the factors that led to your relapse, you can work on avoiding them in the future.


Reach Out for Help

According to drug treatment centers in Kansas City, if you’re struggling to recover from a relapse, you should reach out for help from your treatment team, therapist, sponsors, or sober friends. These individuals can provide much-needed support and guidance during this difficult time. Many addiction recovery programs also offer relapse prevention groups that can be beneficial in helping you get back on track.


Forgive Yourself

According to alcohol and drug treatment in Kansas City, it’s important to forgive yourself and move on after a relapse. Dwelling on your mistakes will only make it harder to recover and could lead to further relapses down the road. Remember that everyone makes mistakes and that you can use this experience as a learning opportunity to become stronger in your recovery journey.

Drug Treatment Centers in Kansas City

Get Back into Treatment If Needed

According to drug treatment centers in Kansas City, if you feel like you need more support after a relapse, you shouldn’t hesitate to reach out to your treatment team or seek out additional treatment options such as outpatient care or therapy groups. Getting professional help can make all the difference in getting back on track with your sobriety goals.


Plan for Next Time

Once you’ve analyzed what led to your relapse, leaders of drug and alcohol addiction help in Kansas City suggest taking some time to plan for how you will deal with similar situations in the future. This may include identifying triggers and learning coping skills to deal with cravings and difficult emotions. Having a plan in place can help increase your chances of remaining sober long-term.


Take Things One Day at a Time

According to drug treatment centers in Kansas City, recovery is a process that takes time and effort, so be patient with yourself as you work towards sobriety again after a relapse.

FIND HOPE. FIND RECOVERY. Drug Rehab in Kansas

Find Yourself.

drug rehab in Kansas

Gold Bridge is the premier drug and alcohol addiction treatment center in Kansas, located just outside of Kansas City. Our small-capacity residential drug treatment centers in Kansas offer a tranquil environment that allows clients to focus on their recovery journey. As one of the top alcohol rehab facilities in Kansas, we specialize in evidence-based practices for treating substance abuse and addiction that are tailored to each individual’s goals and needs. Our team of experts provides support for those needing alcohol addiction help in Kansas or drug addiction help in Kansas. Our facility offers both individual counseling and group therapy, as well as holistic approaches like yoga classes or meditation groups. 

drug rehab in Kansas 


At Gold Bridge, we understand that addiction is a complex challenge – one that cannot be solved overnight. That’s why our rehab facilities in Kansas provide comprehensive inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services designed to help our clients work toward long term sobriety. Through personalized care plans, our dedicated staff will work with you to identify your goals for recovery, customize a plan at our drug and alcohol inpatient treatment center in Kansas based on your specific needs, and create a pathway to success. 

Contact us at 913-837-4653 or contact us online by visiting our website today to learn more about how Gold Bridge can help you reclaim your life from addiction. 


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