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Alcohol Rehab in Kansas: Getting the Desperate Help You Need
An Alcoholic: What Is It?

Gold Bridge Treatment Center explains that it is someone who consumes alcohol in excess of what they can reasonably control. This person is unable to give it up on their own is considered an alcoholic and may need an alcohol rehab in Kansas. This is typically combined with daily alcohol consumption, habitual intoxication, and higher alcohol intake than average. Generally speaking, an alcoholic is an alcoholic sufferer.

This is “a physical compulsion, coupled with a mental obsession to consume alcohol,” according to Alcoholics Anonymous, wherein alcohol cravings are always satiated, even when they shouldn’t be and you may need help from one of the top alcohol rehabs in Kansas if you want to stop drinking.

Alcohol Rehab in Kansas

What Leads to Alcohol Abuse?

As yet, alcoholism’s definite cause is unknown. As a top alcohol rehab in Kansas, Gold Bridge knows that alcohol use disorder develops when a person drinks to the point where it alters the chemical composition of their brain, either excessively or frequently.

Since alcoholism is categorized as an addiction, there isn’t just one cause, and you may need alcohol addiction help in Kansas. Dopamine levels are increased by alcohol consumption in a manner similar to that of other drugs. This activity is categorized by the brain in the same way as an enjoyable reward.

People eventually start to crave this, so a person may be more prone to developing an alcohol problem depending on a variety of factors, including:

  • Genetics
  • Environment
  • Psychological factors
  • Stress levels


What Distinguishes Alcohol Abuse from Casual Drinking?

  • First, let’s talk about casual drinking. A glass of wine with dinner or a few drinks with friends is usually not a problem, unless you have personal or religious restrictions. But when you start abusing the drug, that’s when the trouble starts, and you may need professional assistance from an alcohol rehab in Kansas.
  • The terms “alcoholism” and “alcohol abuse” are frequently used interchangeably. Alcohol addiction or dependence, on the other hand, is referred to as alcoholism when a person has a psychological or physical need to consume alcohol. Alcohol abuse is a pattern of behavior in which a person consumes large amounts of alcohol despite the risks. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcoholism, seek professional alcohol addiction help in Kansas.
  • Misuse of alcohol can have unexpected effects on all facets of your life. In a 2021 survey, polled over a thousand individuals who had made the decision to give up alcohol and discovered that relationships (47%), mental health (52%) and physical health (61%) were the most frequently reported negative effects. Drinking also affected people’s:


Alcohol Rehab in Kansas


When asked to rank these effects, respondents said their relationships, mental health, and physical health suffered the most, regardless of whether they tried to cut back on their alcohol use or not.

Among the over two thousand participants who stated that their alcohol consumption was directly causing health problems:

  • 31% of those surveyed said they had high blood pressure.
  • Out of six, one had liver disease (17%).
  • Cirrhosis, or liver scarring, was reported by more than 1 in 10 people (12%).
  • Heart disease was reported in more than 1 in 10 people (11%).
  • 15% or 1 in 7 said they had a compromised immune system.
  • Ten percent reported nerve damage.
  • 4% of the cases had pancreatitis.
  • Only 1 in 11 people (9%) reported having seizures.
  • Of the 13, one had cancer (7.8%).


Binge Drinking

However, what exactly is binge drinking? Two categories exist:

  • Heavy Drinking: Having two drinks a day or more than 14 drinks in a week is considered heavy drinking for men under the age of 65. Heavy drinking is defined as more than one drink per day or more than seven drinks per week for both men and women over the age of 65. If you struggle with this, you may need an alcohol treatment center in Kansas.
  • Binge Drinking: Binge drinking is the practice of ingesting a significant quantity of alcohol at once. It is defined for men as having five drinks or more in a two-hour period. For women, it’s four drinks or more during that period of time. If you struggle with this, you may need an alcohol treatment center in Kansas.


Alcohol Rehab in Kansas: Ten Red Flags That Indicate Alcoholism

The ten warning indicators of alcoholism listed below may be able to assist you in determining if you need alcohol addiction help in Kansas:

  • Drinking covertly and alone.
  • Losing interest in things you used to enjoy doing.
  • Cravings for alcohol.
  • Giving drinking more importance than responsibilities.
  • Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.
  • Extreme irritability and mood swings.
  • Guilt feelings brought on by alcohol consumption.
  • Drinking something to start the day.
  • Drinking in spite of family, financial, and health issues.
  • An inability to cut back on or regulate alcohol intake.

It’s critical to recognize these warning signs and to realize that you’re not alone if you’re an alcoholic or a loved one of someone who is struggling. Every day, thousands of people from all walks of life struggle with alcoholism, and thousands decide to get alcohol addiction help in Kansas. Gold Bridge Treatment Center is prepared to accept you if you or a loved one needs help with addiction.


When the Stereotype Is Not True: Different Kinds of Alcoholics

Most people have a stereotype of an alcoholic, an alcohol rehab in Kansas explains. In their mind, that doesn’t resemble them at all. In actuality, alcohol addiction can affect a variety of people. There are people of all ages and backgrounds who battle alcohol addiction. In any of these, do you see yourself?


Alcohol Rehab in Kansas


Young Adult Subtype

Thirteen percent of Americans who suffer from alcohol addiction are young adults, an alcohol rehab in Kansas explains. Compared to the other subtypes, they drink less frequently, but when they do, they usually go overboard and binge. Gold Bridge Treatment Center explains that usually, they come from households where alcoholism is not common.


Subtype of Young Antisocial

Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), a psychiatric diagnosis that is typified by at least three of the following, affects about 54% of this subtype. Common indicators of ASPD include:

  • Repeated criminal activity
  • Frequent altercations or assaults
  • Disregard for other people’s safety
  • Absence of regret
  • Impetuousness
  • Dishonesty
  • Carelessness

According to an alcohol rehab in Kansas, numerous individuals of this kind also struggle with anxiety, bipolar disorder, major depression, and other substance addictions.


Subtype of Function

Since high-functioning alcoholics are arguably the most unlike from the stereotype of alcoholics, many of them refuse to acknowledge their addiction. They frequently have stable jobs, families, and are successful. A full-time job is held by 62% of functional alcoholics, and 26% have a college degree or above. In the United States, 19.5% of alcohol addicts fit this subtype and avoid getting alcohol addiction help in Kansas.


A Familial Subtype in Between

The average age of those in the intermediate familial subtype is 38, and they are typically working. Nearly all of these people have suffered from clinical depression, and about 50% come from families where alcoholism runs through multiple generations and may need help from an alcohol treatment center in Kansas.


Severe Chronic Subtype

With only 9% of the Americans suffering from alcohol addiction, this subtype is the rarest. The majority of people in this subtype began drinking at an early age and are middle-aged. They rank highest among the five subtypes for substance abuse and other psychiatric disorders. About 80% come from households where alcoholism runs in the family for multiple generations, an alcohol rehab in Kansas explains.

Alcohol Rehab in Kansas

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms and Signs of Alcoholism

Gold Bridge Treatment Center explains that the physical or mental addiction to alcohol is called alcoholism. You may have an alcohol addiction if you frequently find yourself considering your next drink or if you’ve made unsuccessful attempts to cut back on drinking.


Gold Bridge Treatment Center knows that dependency is the first stage of alcoholism. As you drink more alcohol, your body becomes accustomed to its effects and learns how to compensate and you may need alcohol addiction help in Kansas. Alcohol is a drug. When alcoholism progresses, quitting can eventually cause withdrawal symptoms such as:

  • Nervousness or anxiety
  • Depression
  • Weariness irritability
  • Jitteriness or unsteadiness
  • Changes in mood
  • Fears
  • Not using clear reasoning

These symptoms might not appear for a few hours or days, and they might worsen in the days that follow.

The most severe kind of alcohol withdrawal, delirium tremens, may occur in certain situations. Gold Bridge Treatment Centers explain that agitation, fever, disorientation, hallucinations, and seizures may result from this. For this reason, heavy drinkers who want to kick their addiction should get help from a doctor.


Can Alcoholism’s Effects Be Reversible?

Although it affects people differently, alcoholism is a disease that can afflict both adults and children. Some people can become inebriated after only one drink, while others require many more to reach the same level of intoxication. 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits are considered “drinks” by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). Because of the way alcohol affects the body and brain, anyone who drinks too much alcohol runs a higher risk of developing a number of health problems and may require alcohol addiction help in Kansas.

Even though drinking alcohol has negative effects, most of them are reversible. An alcohol rehab in Kansas can help! Many of the negative psychological, emotional, and physical effects of heavy drinking can be reversed by early detection of problematic drinking and enrollment in alcohol treatment in Kansas.

But eventually, the damage becomes too great. For instance, chronic alcohol consumption can lead to liver failure and cirrhosis. Since SUD treatment can still improve a person’s quality of life, permanent health damage shouldn’t be a deterrent to getting alcohol addiction help in Kansas.


Kansas City Alcohol Rehabilitation

Because it is widely available and frequently consumed in informal, lighthearted settings, alcohol is commonly referred to as a “recreational” substance. Sadly, for a lot of people, this is not the case. In our nation, alcohol misuse is a severe issue, and many alcoholics find it difficult to seek assistance.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that overindulgence in alcohol contributes to almost 140,000 fatalities annually in the US. That roughly corresponds to Olathe, Kansas’s population, to put things in perspective. It is obvious that alcohol misuse is a major issue in our nation, and those who are ready to seek treatment from Kansas alcohol rehabs can do so.

Alcohol Rehab in Kansas

Recovery from Alcohol Addiction

Situated in Louisburg, KS, just south of the KC Metro area, Gold Bridge Treatment Center is a top-notch facility that specializes in alcohol rehab in Kansas City. Our alcohol rehab in Kansas offers our residents access to certified specialists who have assisted numerous people in overcoming alcohol addiction. We are proud to be one of the best facilities for alcohol rehab in Kansas, and Gold Bridge offers customized care to enable each patient to realize their aspirations.

Alcohol misuse can result from a multitude of factors. The qualified professionals at Gold Bridge can assist with a variety of issues, including financial hardships, traumatic experiences, childhood abuse, genetic predispositions, relationship difficulties, and a host of other issues.

The personnel at our Kansas alcohol treatment center can assist you in determining the main obstacles in your daily life that are driving you to drink. Gold Bridge will then offer healthy substitutes for alcohol in order to help you deal with your problems in a way that is healthier.



Here at Gold Bridge, our rehab facilities in Kansas know firsthand how difficult it is to beat an addiction and how much work and commitment it takes. Achieve long-term sobriety the cool way! Our alcohol rehab facilities in Kansas offer comprehensive treatments to empower patients. From inpatient to outpatient, drug, and alcohol inpatient treatment centers in Kansas has got you covered. Our drug and alcohol addiction treatment center in Kansas dedicated staff will be your partners in crime, creating a custom strategy to crush your goals. Say hello to a brighter future!
Alcohol Rehab in Kansas 
Find Yourself.
Gold Bridge is the premier drug and alcohol addiction treatment center in Kansas, located just outside of Kansas City. Our small-capacity, residential drug treatment center in Kansas offers a tranquil environment that allows clients to focus on their recovery journey. As one of the top alcohol rehab facilities in Kansas, we specialize in evidence-based practices for treating substance abuse and addiction that are tailored to each individual’s goals and needs.
Our team of experts provides support for those needing alcohol addiction help in Kansas or drug addiction help in Kansas. Our facility offers both individual counseling and group therapy, as well as holistic approaches like yoga classes or meditation groups. At Gold Bridge, we understand that addiction is a complex challenge – one that cannot be solved overnight. That’s why our rehab facilities in Kansas provide comprehensive inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services designed to help our clients work towards long term sobriety. Through personalized care plans, our dedicated staff will work with you to identify your goals for recovery, customize a plan at our drug and alcohol inpatient treatment center in Kansas based on your specific needs, and create a pathway to success.
Contact us at 913-837-4653 or contact us online by visiting our website today to learn more about how Gold Bridge can help you reclaim your life from addiction.


Alcohol Rehab in Kansas



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