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Drinking alcohol, especially in copious amounts, can lead to liver damage and weight gain; alcohol turns into sugar in your bloodstream, which can provoke an insulin response that causes fat production. According to a leader of alcohol rehab facilities in Kansas City, drinking heavy amounts of alcohol for years can worsen these problems, especially if you don’t exercise regularly or drink enough water.

At Gold Bridge Treatment Center, we take pride in being a leading drug and alcohol rehab in Kansas City, and we want to help you navigate your path to sobriety. Drinking too much alcohol for an extended period of time can significantly damage your body; it’s vital to understand what diseases you are leaving yourself vulnerable to. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of common illnesses that can be caused or worsened by excessive alcohol consumption.


Liver Disease

A leading expert on drug and alcohol addiction help in Kansas City says heavy drinking can cause liver disease. It’s your liver’s job to filter toxins from your blood, and increased alcohol consumption can cause permanent damage to this organ. This means that your liver won’t be able to perform the way it’s supposed to.

Too much alcohol can prevent your liver cells from regenerating, leading to Alcohol-Related Liver Disease, otherwise known as ALDR. This illness has three stages:

  • Alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • Alcoholic hepatitis
  • Cirrhosis of the liver

Alcoholic fatty liver disease is potentially reversible; however, alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis are not.

Alcohol Rehab Facilities In Kansas City

Type Two Diabetes

Type two diabetes is common in individuals seeking alcohol treatment in Kansas City. This is because when alcohol converts to sugar in your bloodstream, it can cause kidney damage and cause weight gain, both of which are typical causes of diabetes. Many people suffering from type two diabetes experience other complications, including eye damage, nerve damage, and cardiovascular disease.



According to experts at a leading drug and alcohol addiction treatment center in Kansas City, excessive drinking has been linked to an increased risk of cancer-related to the mouth, throat, colon, rectum, and voice box. Individuals who struggle with alcohol addiction are at higher risk of developing liver disease and even breast cancer.



Pancreatitis occurs when your pancreas becomes inflamed and cannot aid digestion and regulate your body’s blood sugar. According to a leader of addiction treatment centers in Kansas City, almost seventy percent of chronic pancreatitis cases occur in individuals who suffer from prolonged alcohol consumption.


Excessive drinking can leave your body susceptible to long-term damage, including liver disease, type two diabetes, various forms of cancer, and pancreatitis. It’s crucial to seek alcohol addiction help before you cause permanent damage to your body.

Alcohol Rehab Facilities In Kansas City

Get Addiction Help from a Leader of Alcohol Rehab Facilities in Kansas City Today

If you or someone you love needs alcohol or drug addiction help in Kansas City, please reach out to our Gold Bridge Treatment Center staff. We are a leading drug and alcohol rehab in Kansas City that wants to help you begin your journey to sobriety.

You can call us at 913-675-2898. You can also contact us online. We are experts in alcohol and drug addiction help. We specialize in helping individuals make changes for a happier, healthier life. We offer group counseling, as well as individual. We also offer inpatient treatment services.

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