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There is a strong likelihood that if you are struggling with substance abuse, you have a co-occurring mental health disorder. This is because most people start using substances to self-medicate for depression, anxiety, or other severe mental health conditions. It’s important that whatever drug and alcohol addiction treatment center in Kansas you attend has therapists who are trained to work with individuals with co-occurring disorders.

Depression can take a toll on a person’s mental and emotional health. This can trickle down to financial problems, issues going to and from work, and many other obstacles. It can be hard for a family member or friend to know what to do and how to support someone who has depression and anxiety and is starting to use substances to cope. There is hope with the help of Gold Bridge’s inpatient treatment center in Kansas. Our therapists can come up with solutions and a plan that can give each person struggling with a co-occurring disorder the hope they desperately need.

You may be wondering what depression looks like. Although it might look a little different for everyone, most people see these symptoms before getting mental health or addiction help in Kansas:

Symptoms of Depression

  • Feeling tired most days despite getting sleep
  • Feeling of worthlessness
  • Sleeping too much or not at all
  • Gaining or losing weight
  • Inability to focus

drug and alcohol addiction treatment center in Kansas

Now that we know a bit of what depression might look like, you may want to know how people develop depression.

There are three primary reasons:

  • Trauma – which is an emotional response to a terrible event
  • Brain Chemistry Imbalances – too many or too few neurotransmitters which communicate mood-altering chemicals
  • Family History of Depression – often a triggering event or trauma will most likely give you a predisposition to developing depression if it’s in your family history

Once a professional has diagnosed you with depression while at a drug and alcohol addiction treatment center in Kansas, it’s important to remember that you are not alone. Nearly 50 percent of people who enter an inpatient treatment center in Kansas have a mood disorder and addiction.

Alcohol is a depressant and increases the strength of depression and the likelihood of suicidal thoughts and actions. This makes it essential to reach out for addiction help in Kansas right away if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, have a family history, or have past trauma you haven’t worked on yet in therapy.

It’s normal for people that are struggling with depression to become reclusive and not want to talk about what they are going through. However, there are solutions that can help. Learning about them with a professional is a great way to get started on your journey toward a more positive mental health status and recovery from addiction.

drug and alcohol addiction treatment center in Kansas

At Gold Bridge Treatment Center, we are a top treatment center in Kansas. We provide alcohol and drug addiction help in Kansas to individuals in their journey toward sobriety. We understand the complexity of substance abuse and addictive behaviors. This is why we have created a multifaceted and individualized approach for our patients to achieve sustained recovery.

Call us at (913) 675-2898 or visit our website to fill out a contact form today!


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