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Many of us know the signs of a typical alcoholic. These people are easy to spot as they have been in and out of alcohol rehab in Kansas, they are typically abusive, drunk all the time, and they are often out of a job. Nearly 14 million Americans display these symptoms and need to seek alcohol addiction help in Kansas.

However, the number of functioning alcoholics may exceed even 14 million. How is that possible? What is a functioning alcoholic? They are people who drink heavily, but still remain functional. They do not stumble around; they don’t display any of the typical behaviors of an alcoholic at all. In fact, they might not even know they need alcohol rehab in Kansas until it is too late.

Alcohol Rehab in Kansas

How do You Recognize a Functional Alcoholic in Yourself or Others?

  1. You manage stress with alcohol. If you have a hectic day at work, do manage your stress by having a bottle of wine.
  2. You set a limit but never stick to it. Do you always say you will have a couple of drinks and end up with a $100 bar tab?
  3. You organize all social activities around alcohol. When you get invited to a social event, is your first thought what the alcohol situation will be like?
  4. Alcohol is starting to have an impact on your work performance. Do you miss work because of getting drunk on weeknights?
  5. You can drink way more than other people. Do you have a really high tolerance for alcohol compared to your friends?

Alcohol Rehab in Kansas

You might be a functional alcoholic if…

If you see a loved one or if any of the above applies to you, then you may need alcohol addiction help in Kansas. It is very easy for functional alcoholics to slip through the cracks and pretend that they do not need any help because their life is not a mess. People think they are just the life of the party or that they just really enjoy a good time.

Do you need some guidance on how to be more successful in life? Do you want to turn this into something good? Do you want to try alcohol rehab in Kansas? Reach out to Gold Bridge Treatment Center.



Find Yourself. We offer the experienced care you need to get started on your unique path to sobriety.

Alcohol Rehab in Kansas

At Gold Bridge Treatment Center, a top addiction treatment center in Kansas, we understand the unique and complex issue that is substance abuse. Gold Bridge is an exceptional residential drug and alcohol treatment center in Kansas, located just outside of Kansas City. We have a unique, low-capacity, residential setting that offers a drug and alcohol inpatient treatment center. Our campus is located on a beautiful two-acre property surrounded by privacy and tranquility to get the focused treatment you need.

Call us today at (913) 675-2898 or visit our website to fill out a contact form. We look forward to helping you stay on your unique path to sobriety in Kansas!


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