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A Treatment Center in Kansas City on 4 Signs You Have a High-Functioning Addiction – According to a leading drug and alcohol addiction treatment center in Kansas City, a high-functioning addiction refers to when someone meets several criteria for a substance addiction, but their usage doesn’t significantly interfere with their responsibilities.

At Gold Bridge Treatment Center, we are proud to be a leading drug and alcohol addiction treatment center in Kansas City. We take the time to ensure that our patients are cared for and that they have a recovery plan that works best for them. We understand the complexity of substance abuse and addictive behaviors, that’s why our addiction treatment center believes in a multifaceted, individual approach for each of our patients.

Experts of alcohol and drug treatment in Kansas City believe that it’s important to seek help for your addiction, even if it doesn’t have a significant effect on your daily life. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 4 signs that you have a high-functioning addiction.

Treatment Center In Kansas City

1. You Use Substances Because You Are Shy Around Others

According to experts of drug and alcohol treatment in Kansas City, one of the signs that you have a high-functioning addiction is that you only drink around people because you’re too shy to talk with them. People who struggle with this issue tend to drink every time they are in social situations. This is dangerous because they could easily transition to drinking in different environments, such as the office or family events.


2. You Crave Substances at a Specific Time Or Day

According to a leading alcohol and drug rehab in Kansas City, if you crave substances during specific times or days, you might have a high-functioning addiction. For example, someone who only craves alcohol during the evenings or weekends still has an alcohol addiction. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t drinking in the morning; a treatment center in Kansas City suggests getting help if you crave substances at any point.

Treatment Center In Kansas City

3. You Use Substances When You’re Alone

A drug and alcohol rehab in Kansas City believes that drinking or using substances while you’re alone can be a sign of an addiction, even if you don’t let it interfere with other aspects of your life. According to a treatment center in Kansas City, if you feel the need to consume substances at any point of the day, especially when you’re alone, you are probably struggling with an addiction.

4. You Use Substances to Escape Worries

A leading Kansas City alcohol and drug rehab believes that if you use substances to escape your worries and responsibilities, you have a high-functioning addiction. Even if you don’t let your substance usage affect other parts of your life, you still use substances to cope with the hard parts of your life.

Treatment Center In Kansas City

Call A Treatment Center in Kansas City Today

If you or someone you love needs alcohol or drug addiction help in Kansas, please reach out to our Gold Bridge Treatment Center staff. We are proud to be a leading drug and alcohol addiction treatment center in Kansas City, and we want to help you begin your journey to sobriety.

You can call us at 913-675-2898. You can also contact us online. We are experts in alcohol and drug addiction help. We specialize in helping individuals make changes for a happier, healthier life. We offer group counseling, as well as individual. We also offer inpatient treatment services.

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