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A Leading Inpatient Treatment Center in Kansas City on the Dangers of Self-Medicating – Self-medicating can be extremely dangerous; whether it’s over-the-counter medications or substances prescribed to others; you should never take anything not recommended by a medical professional. A leading inpatient treatment center in Kansas City suggests consulting a doctor before taking any substance, and you should only take it as prescribed. Taking a medication too much can cause you to become dependent on it, which can quickly turn dangerous.

Inpatient Treatment Center in Kansas City

Self-medicating can increase your risk of medical complications. Taking substances too much or in ways that aren’t prescribed can cause permanent damage to your organs and can decrease your life expectancy. Extreme cases can even result in premature death.

At Gold Bridge Treatment Center, we take pride in being a leader in drug and alcohol treatment in Kansas City, and we want to help you on your path to sobriety. We understand how dangerous self-medicating can be, and we want everyone to be aware of the risks. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of some of the dangers of self-medicating.

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Inpatient Treatment Center In Kansas City

What is Self-Medicating?

According to leaders in alcohol and drug treatment in Kansas City, self-medicating is when you take prescriptions or over-the-counter medication without prior medical consent. People turn to self-medication for numerous reasons, primarily to manage chronic pain or any medical or mental conditions. Taking medication without consulting a doctor can be dangerous and leave you with numerous unwanted side effects.

Can You Self-Medicate With Antibiotics?

According to leaders of drug and alcohol rehab facilities in Kansas City, people often self-medicate with antibiotics, and it’s extremely dangerous. While antibiotics are incredibly effective at killing harmful bacteria in the body, it’s crucial only to take them under a medical professional’s guidance. Misusing antibiotics can make bacteria and microbes resistant, leaving them ineffective.

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Inpatient Treatment Center In Kansas City

What Are the Risks of Self-Medicating?

According to leaders of alcohol and drug rehabilitations in Kansas City, there are numerous risks involved with self-medicating. When taking medication not prescribed by a medical professional, you’re probably not taking the correct amount or taking the wrong substance. This means it won’t work, and you’re not benefiting from the medicine.

Individuals who self-medicate also have a higher chance of becoming dependent on the substance. According to leaders in drug and alcohol addiction help in Kansas City, if you take a substance for a prolonged period, your body becomes dependent on it and won’t know how to respond without it. This can lead to a lifelong addiction that causes severe damage to your organs and body.

Inpatient Treatment Center In Kansas City

Trust a Leading Drug and Alcohol Inpatient Treatment Center in Kansas City to Help You On Your Road to Sobriety

If you or someone you love needs alcohol or drug addiction help in Kansas City, please reach out to our Gold Bridge Treatment Center staff. We are a leader of drug and alcohol treatment in Kansas City that wants to help you begin your journey to sobriety.

You can call us at 913-675-2898. You can also contact us online. We are experts in alcohol and drug addiction. We specialize in helping individuals make changes for a happier, healthier life. We offer group counseling, as well as individual. We also offer inpatient treatment services.

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